We appreciate recycling, don’t we? Similarly, content repurposing is recycling, although there’s one difference –your existing content isn’t a waste. Your existing content has value, but you need to change a few things to make it work better. Once you’ve reworked it, you can share it across different channels, which will eventually increase leads.


Repurposing your marketing content means that you are taking another step to boost the company’s SEO. It will enhance SEO through targeted keywords, a broader audience, better content, and so on. Instead of spending more effort and time on more content, you will be repurposing your old content to increase efficiency while reducing the marketing efforts.


You can be assured that repurposing the content doesn’t put you in legal problems because you are doing it to increase brand awareness. That doesn’t violate the guidelines mentioned by Google.


Here are some of the ways that you can repurpose your marketing content:


  1. Content syndication

It sounds business-y, but it is not; it merely is syndicating your content. By syndicating, you will be able to reach a wider audience because networking will put your blog posts in front of the eyes of readers who are interested in similar content. There are several paid and unpaid services discussed on Content Syndication Networks so take a look at it. These networks will recommend your posts in the section “recommended reading,” which will attract more readers. If you don’t have money to spend on syndication networks, you can consider Medium as it is one of the platforms that will syndicate your posts for free.


  1. Leveraging social media

By leveraging social media, you can drive quality traffic to your website or landing pages. One of the key factors is social media graphics. You can develop infographics for content with tips and steps and then share them across social media platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, etc. Or you can redesign a quote to share it around. If you utilize social media wisely, you will be able to drive constant traffic to your site.


Another key factor that you need to consider is blog posting on social media. When you are sharing your posts on social media channels, put out excerpts to attract viewers. Add two or three impressive lines from the blog posts and attach an intriguing image before you hit publish on social media. Apart from these, you can also share your valuable information in different formats such as email newsletters, downloadable PDFs, podcasts, slide shares, and videos.


  1. Giving your content a makeover

Changing a few words here and there inside your blog content and republishing them is not repurposing; it’s spinning. If you want to repurpose, you must do more than changing words; you need to update the content.


For example, if you plan to repurpose a pillar-post, you have to select the sections that deserve more attention. You need to pull out the content that can be reproduced with more meaning. Meanwhile, you should also check the latest data or stats related to the post. You would have to add new sections, images, and everything else required to make it look fresh and informative.


Or you can create a few posts together and treat it like a series. This will keep the readers hooked to click the next post. Basically, you have to rework the existing blogs that have the capacity to be repurposed.


  1. Using case studies

Case studies are powerful, although some business owners consider it time-consuming. Even if creating a case study for an old blog might be time-consuming, it’s worthwhile. Prospects and customers see validation in case studies. Therefore, posting them on your website will increase leads and enhance credibility.


But to receive credibility through case studies, you should write it based on your customer’s experience using your service or product. This will set off the potential customers’ feeling of relatedness. When publishing the case study relevant to an old post, you must link it to the post. By doing so, the readers will understand that your business could help them solve their issues.


If you want to use these techniques successfully, you need to know the best ways to select the right content to repurpose. If you are planning to repurpose random content, you’ve to rethink. By repurposing random content, you will not get the results expected. Instead, you have to pick the best performing and evergreen posts.


  • Best Performing- your website might have blog posts that receive high amounts of traffic that result in more likes or shares. Therefore, by repurposing your best-performing content, you are likely to achieve the best results in the shortest period of time.


  • Evergreen Content- They never go out of picture. Therefore, be sure to only repurpose evergreen content. This content stays longer than you could anticipate because people find it relevant regardless of the season. If you focus more on the evergreen detail, you can benefit more.



You should understand that repurposing your content has a tremendous impact on your business. Imagine giving yourself a makeover; how would it feel? Wouldn’t it feel enriching, new, and lively? That’s how repurposing your marketing content feels. But doing it all alone might be chaotic, so hire an established agency like Inbound Hype. They can help you repurpose your content with proven results.

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