Financial freedom is probably music to your ears if you’ve grown tired of the 9 to 5 rat race. Telling your boss to hit the bricks and being able to work your own hours right from your laptop and from the comfort of your own home is almost a dream-like scenario.

For many of us with little in the way of motivation, it remains a dream. But for the persistent and determined action-takers, a home-business today is a very viable opportunity with the right planning.

Many online entrepreneurs are building their brand through their YouTube channels. Many are accumulating hundreds of thousands of subscribers and generating tremendous revenue through ad-streams.

Others are killing it through their blogs in evergreen niches like health, lifestyle, careers and self-development to name a few. There are also marketers and business-owners doing remarkably well in e-commerce, drop-shipping and many other types of businesses.

Basically there is no limit to the potential rewards of a thriving internet business. The question you’re likely asking right about now is how and where do you get started in building a business of your own?

This is the first of a series of articles where we will be discussing various home-business strategies which you can implement even if you’re a technical novice. And without having to invest a ton of money in getting up and running.

The Demand for Instant Information has Changed the World!

People expect to receive the information they’re looking for at the instant touch of the ‘search’ button. Google has been on a mission these past several years in enhancing their algorithms in such a way where they can deliver that information to searchers as quickly as possible.

It’s true that there are millions of active blogs out there today and Google has no shortage of sources to deliver to searchers who are looking for immediate results.

The way to become a major player in the blogging world and getting your piece of the pie is to be bigger and better than your competitors. That means creating amazing content that provides solutions to any number of problems. They say content is king. More appropriately, user intent is king.

Especially in 2019. To satisfy user intent, you have to be able to focus your content in a way which matches user queries. It’s really that simple. When you master the art of providing results and solutions to users in a satisfactory manner, the online world is your oyster.

Build your Blog in a Popular Niche and Kill It!

You don’t need to have JK Rowling levels of creativity and writing skills to build a powerful and lucrative blog. But what you need is to be able to identify a popular and lucrative niche and which you have a ton of passion for. When you have passion, you can write a lot of material.

It helps even more to have extensive knowledge of the niche you’re in. If you’re not passionate about your niche, chances are you’ll struggle to keep the wheels churning on your journey towards success. Blogging for the sake of it won’t get you as far as blogging with a purpose to educate.

An educational blog in a highly popular niche can grow into an authority level blog with time and effort. The more you blog, the more you grow. In a competitive landscape, your focus should be on both quality and quantity.

And also with the user in mind to ensure that you’re delivering real informative content with a keen eye on context. When your blog sees a sizable amount of traffic, then comes the monetization aspect.

Monetize your Blog with Digital Products!

One of the most proven business models is affiliate marketing. Expert marketers use their blogs as vehicles to market affiliate products. The reason it works so well is because marketers can make a solid commission without having to worry about any type of shipping or process fees.

The routine is simple; the user clicks on an affiliate link, makes a purchase, and the marketer gets paid. Easy! Although there are extensive affiliate networks out there which you can join up with, the biggest money comes from selling your own digital products. That way you eliminate the middleman and keep 100% of the revenue.

Developing your own digital products can be a headache if you’re not an expert product-creator. That’s where high quality plr products come in. If you’re not familiar with plr, it stands for private label rights. Essentially, plr is a license which the creator sells to others which grants them the right to use the content under the rules provided by the creator.

Some licenses have more leeway than others. Certain licenses allow you the right to resell the product to your subscribers/customers or repackage it under your own name and brand. Other licenses even allow you to give your customers the right to resell it.

PLR is incredibly useful and saves marketers a ton of time and money where they can simply market ready-made products as opposed to having to create their own from scratch.


In our next article, we will delve deeper into additional blog monetization methods. And also how you can use private label rights ebooks to create lucrative information-products for the digital marketplace. There are a variety of powerful and rewarding business-models available online which require very little in the way of start-up funding.

Once you’re certain that entrepreneurship is for you, the information at hand will help you to get a solid head-start in your online business. Stay tuned.

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