Your website is the key; it has always been an integral part of every business. Unfortunately, most business owners assume that the website maintains itself, but that’s not how it works. There’s a huge part that you must play to boost sales by optimizing your website. After all, it’s the hub that connects all your SEO and marketing efforts. But all that effort will become pointless if the traffic doesn’t turn into conversions.
To put it simply:
Conversions = Sales
For example, the website ‘A’ might be receiving 5000 visitors with a 1% conversion rate, so their sales are 50. Website ‘B’ might be receiving 2500 visitors with 3% conversion rates, so their sales are 75. It’s evident that website ‘B’ is making more profit because of their high conversion rate.
You need to understand that your website requires traffic that would turn into dependable sales. So whether you are revamping your website or starting a new website, you should try the following proven techniques to increase the conversion rates.
Proven Techniques to Increase Your Conversion Rate
Track data to understand site performance
You’d have heard marketers say, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” which means you need to know your site if you want it to perform better. If you are revamping your site, it’s crucial to study how it’s performing already because that’s how you identify the under-performing areas. By fine-tuning the under-performing areas, you will be able to increase the conversion rate.
If you already have tools to track your site’s performance, you wouldn’t need Google Analytics, but if you don’t have one, it’s best to use Google Analytics as it has a free option. By far, it’s an affordable option for small businesses and startups if they don’t have a massive marketing budget.
It’s important to set a benchmark for your website performance so you’ll know the areas to improve. If you have just started using analytics, keep it simple. Begin by analyzing the visitors’ behaviors, check when they are exiting, and how long they are remaining on a certain page.
Usually, websites have an excellent landing page, but other pages become less and less impressive. Thus, visitors hardly turn into conversions. As the landing page gives you clarity, you can use it as a benchmark to find what other pages are missing.
You can use the data to create changes and improvements for the pages that are under-performing. Make it a habit to do regular A/B testing for your website if you want to turn traffics into conversions.
Find your prospects’ mindset
Conversion optimization narrows down to knowing your prospects and persuading them to take action on your site. You will not be able to persuade them if you don’t know who they are. To turn your traffic into conversions, you must know the mindset of your visitors and what interests them.
If you are experiencing a low conversion rate, it’s mostly because of inadequate information. You must find out the questions you’re not answering for your prospects and then answer them wisely to increase sales.
Another reason for low conversion is that you have not demonstrated your charges clearly. Your prospects should feel that you are offering something which is worthier than the quoted price. To understand this better, you should know why your existing customers remain on your website. Think about what makes your customers happy and find the reason for choosing your business over other businesses. This will offer clarity!
You must claim every part of your website and show that you’ve done what it takes for them to remain on your site. Satisfy the prospects in a way that they wouldn’t leave your site without clicking the CTA and becoming the conversion you wanted.
Remember, content is the cornerstone
Content can break or make your conversion rate. It has the power to pull the reader to the next page or to shoo him off. If you have done justice to marketing content, you’ll be able to seize the conversion opportunities seamlessly. Content consumes a major part of the organic performance of every page of your site.
If you are vigilant, you will be able to turn your traffic into conversions using content marketing. But that doesn’t mean you can ignore the other two techniques. You must utilize all three techniques to get excellent results.
Anyway, to get the best out of content marketing, you need to know a few things. The content on your site is first targeted for humans before the search engines. If you prioritize SEO, you will not be able to relate to your visitor. When the visitor doesn’t relate to the content, it won’t take a second to leave the site. But if the visitors feel relatable, there’s a high chance for them to turn into conversions.
Although you are not prioritizing SEO, you shouldn’t put it under the carpet because it’s important. After all, it’s all about ranking first in the search engine. To make it happen, you shouldn’t over-optimize your content. The keyword volume isn’t more important than the naturalness of how you use it in the content.
The audience shouldn’t feel that they wasted their time; rather, they should feel that they’ve absorbed so much information in a short piece of content. The content must be concise and straightforward, but you shouldn’t forget that you are writing a conversion content. Thus, it’s crucial to include call-to-actions naturally, such as “request a demo,” “read more,” and so on.
Even if your website has an eccentric call-to-action, it wouldn’t add any value without traffic that would turn into conversions. It’s vital to consider conversion-focused designs when you are developing your business website.
But boosting your sales by optimizing your website doesn’t happen overnight; you need to offer ample time for these techniques to work. This is undoubtedly the reason to hire an agency like Inbound Hype. With their expertise, they will test and execute the best techniques that will give you the best results.